j-flamingo reflections

Inspired by the grace and beauty of the flamingo, my life reflected by my love of reading, writing and creating.

Focus on Reading

I've been having a bit of trouble focusing on reading or similar tasks lately. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with having a 5 1/2 month old baby boy, 2 toddlers and 3 school-aged children. Ya think? So, this past week when I started reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and remembering what I've read - I was ecstatic! It takes a bit to get through a chapter because of distraction but I'm glad of it because I'm actually reading.
I've realized that I love to read. I read Jane Eyre a long time ago, in high school, and I remember liking it then but now I'm really enjoying it with my more mature eyes that I have now. Things are different somehow, more rich and expressive to me.
When I read this exchange between Helen and Jane, I could really relate with Helen's daydreaming. I felt like that must have been my cause for not focusing on what I've been reading. Here's the exchange quoted from the text I have, pg. 69:
Jane asks Helen:
"And when Miss Temple teaches you, do your thoughts wander then?"
Helen replies and I love this:
"No, certainly, not often; because Miss Temple has generally something to say which is newer than my own reflections: her language is singularly agreeable to me, and the information she communicates is often just what I wish to gain."
Oh, I'd like to be described as such. I know I have friends that are worthy of this description and I'm grateful for that. I love learning and listening to what others have to say of value.
Well, when I finish reading Jane Eyre, I'll post a book review on 5-squared. If you can't wait until then, feel free to check out Jane Eyre and read it for yourself.


Amanda April 22, 2008 at 10:45 AM  

Seems like you have a lot of interesting insights on Jane Eyre. I can't wait to read your review. :)

Amanda April 22, 2008 at 7:56 PM  

Julie, I've tagged you on my blog, just like Marcia. :)

About this blog

Welcome Readers~to my blog! A tiny extension of myself and my life. Here, I'll share this journey through my top passions in my life - reading, writing, and creating. You can expect to read poetry, view my papercrafts and read design related posts. Every once in a while, I hope you'll grasp an honest feel of my heart. If you haven't noticed, I love flamingos! I think they are beautiful birds. *Thanks for your attention.*

She is pure Alice in Wonderland, and her appearance and demeanor are a nicely judged mix of the Red Queen and a flamingo.
~Truman Capote

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    I love living my life through reading books, creating beautiful things to make people happy, and sharing snipits of the world as I see it through writing, blogging or designing.
